What Is The Best Dirt Bike Gear Brand? - Risk Racing

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What Is The Best Dirt Bike Gear Brand?

June 08, 2021

What Is The Best Dirt Bike Gear Brand? - Risk Racing

The dirt bike industry is one that is flooded with gear and hype, and everyone wants you to use their products when you hit the track on your bike! With all the marketing and promotion around gear clamoring for your attention, how do you decide where the quality products are, and how do you figure out what is the best dirt bike gear brand?

The best dirt bike gear brand is one that is innovative in the sport, providing real solutions for real problems for dirt bike riders. Risk Racing is such a brand whose products are engineered for performance, reliability, and durability, giving you a brand you can rely on! 

As we all know, your dirt bike is only part of the gear that you need to have before you get out on the track! You need various items that will improve your safety, keep you cool and comfortable, make you noticeable and give you an edge over your competition. Does your dirt bike gear brand give you all this?

mx num 21 Risk Racing pro rider wearing full RR race gear throwing roost coming out of a berm turn

What Makes A Good Dirt Bike Gear Brand?

How do you choose a dirt bike gear brand, and what should you look for in a brand that will give you the security that the products offered by the company are relevant, effective, and top quality, rather than just looking pretty?

There are some characteristics that you can look for in a dirt bike gear brand that will set the brand and the company apart from others that are simply out to get you to spend money with them and are simply producing products that another company in the industry is offering.

To help you to select a dirt bike gear brand that will be worth your while, let's investigate some of the criteria you should be considering when looking at dirt bike gear brands.

Risk Racing booth at the SENA show full of products including RR owner James Burry posing on a dirt bike sitting on a RR1 stand

Is the Brand Involved In The Industry?

One key indicator that a brand actually has a vested interest in the sector is to check out how involved they are in the industry where they sell their products!

Many companies simply look for a niche industry where they see that people spend a lot of money, and they manufacture products and gear to simply sell in that market. While there is nothing wrong with this business strategy, it should make you wonder if the company has any knowledge about the industry and what the needs and requirements are for the people who participate in the sector.

Companies that operate in this way simply make products similar to those that are already on the market and simply try to sell their products with a better marketing strategy.

Wouldn't you rather spend your hard-earned cash with a company that has a vested interest in the industry and actively participates and gives back to the sport?

A company that actively supports the sport will also learn more about the challenges that the participants face, get feedback on the use of their products, and find a way to contribute to the success and safety of the sport.

A company that has staff that actively participates in the industry and actually tests their products in real live track and field tests shows commitment to the sport and to the delivery of quality gear.

ventilate motocross jerseys and pants poster by Risk Racing including bullet points and 2 color options

Committed To Delivering Quality Gear

Brands and companies that are simply concerned about cutting their slice out of the market pie will not be overly concerned with producing quality products that are durable and will last. In fact, many companies intentionally produce inventory that is designed to have a limited lifespan so that you are sure to have to buy the product again within a certain amount of time.

Motocross and any form of dirt bike riding is a sport that is notoriously hard on gear, and if you need to frequently replace that gear, then your yearly riding costs can quickly rack up!

A brand that produces quality items is one that shows that they are committed to the industry and are in it for the duration, not just to make a quick buck!

Quality is an important factor in dirt bike riding, especially when it is regarding products that are intended to provide safety and protection to the rider. Quality should never be compromised in these products for the sake of reducing their lifespan and getting additional sales.

When it comes to your safety gear in particular, always choose a brand that is committed to delivering well-made, durable, and quality products.

mx bike num 548 sitting on an ATS adjustable top magnetic motocross stand by Risk Racing

Providing Innovation And New Ideas

A brand that is vested in their industry and committed to supporting the sector will be focused on offering new and innovative products that solve problems for the people who actively participate in the sport.

A brand that is intimately acquainted with the dirt bike riding world will understand the needs and challenges of riders and focus their research and development to generate new products that offer solutions for these challenges.

The only way that a brand can be aware of these challenges and shortcomings of other products is to be actively involved in the sport, listening to feedback from riders and users of their products, and then actively working to solve the problems and produce better, more innovative solutions for the community.

extreme close up person wearing all blue and orange risk racing gear showing off vents in mx pants

Attention To Detail

A brand that is offering gear to a specialized sector should be giving attention to detail and producing products across the full spectrum of needs of riders in the industry. It is often the smaller details of how a product operates, clips on, releases, offers convenience, or makes a job easier that make a particular piece of gear great rather than simply good.

Gear brands that focus on the details and give these aspects of their products attention are certainly ones that you should investigate when you are looking for products that will give you a competitive edge over the opposition or that will make tasks easier for you.

mx number 164 Risk Racing Pro Rider jumping at camera wearing full RR gear including jersey pants n gloves blurred out track and spectators in background

Value For Money

We are all interested in getting value for money when we make a purchase, and it is no different in the dirt bike riding sector. Cheap is not always value for money, and in some cases buying cheap could result in more expenses down the line.

On the flip side of the coin, expensive is not always value for money either. Some brands rely on their reputation in the market in order to inflate their prices, even though the product is not that much more superior to other brands' products on the market.

What you should be looking for is a brand company that offers quality products at reasonable prices. This is when you get value for money. A good quality product that offers durability and functionality and is reasonably priced!

mx number 500 Risk Racing Pro rider wearing RR Jersey pants n gloves whipping high up in the air stadium roof in BG

Problem Solving

A good gear brand company will be investing time and resource into research and development into products that solve actual problems in the area they are targeting.

Many brands add new features to their products that are merely nice to have features rather than ones that actually make a product better, more useful, or offer significant changes compared to similar products in the industry.

Brand companies that are actively involved in the sport or who have people who compete in the sector will be the ones who produce the most useful products and come up with new products that solve specific problems in the sport.

Some companies take a look at all aspects of dirt bike riding and offer innovative problem-solving products for various challenges that riders face. This could be from transporting your bike to providing lighting solutions or to helping to keep your goggles clear from dirt and mud.

Companies that take the time to actively develop solutions to everyday problems in an industry show the degree of their commitment to the sport and the industry sector.

num 3 Risk Racing factory rider in full gear whipping up into the air jumping outdoor track

Why Risk Racing Is The Best Dirt Bike Gear Brand

Risk Racing is a dirt bike gear brand company that is based in North Carolina in the USA, but what makes us different from other dirt bike gear brands?

One of the aspects of our company that sets us apart from the big corporations is our passion for motocross and all things dirt bikes! We are actively involved in the sport, and our roots are on the track, with many of our staff being former or current dirt bike riders and competitors.

This means that we have intimate knowledge about the various challenges that face dirt bike riders at all levels of the sport.

Risk Racing is committed to making a difference in the sport and for all motorcycle enthusiasts and bringing quality and innovative products to all dirt bike riders.

Our headquarters is on a 27-acre property with our own dirt bike track and off-road trails, which we use to test all our products. Of course, it also gives us an excuse to get out of the office and on a dirt bike for research and development, as well as just for fun!

As a motocross-mad company, we are committed to providing innovative, problem-solving, quality products to the motocross industry. When thoroughly test our own products and make sure that they are engineered with reliability and performance as the core values to the products.

We are not focused on gear and products that make you only look cool at the track, but we are intent on providing solutions to problems and making your day at the track that much more convenient and enjoyable!

We don't only offer clothing and safety gear, but we design and innovate to produce products that make a difference to you, the rider, in all aspects of the sport.

Risk Racing Offer innovative motocross-related products in the following sectors of the sport.

  • Bike transport. Our innovativeLock-N-Load bike transport systems can be fitted to the load bed of most trucks or trailers. Our transport systems allow you to secure your bike in place without the need for tiedown straps that could damage your bike or come loose on the trip.
MX bike num 77 sitting on a RR1 Ride on mx lift stand on top of a pit mat all covered in Risk Racing emblems

    • Track and shop. We have a wide range of products to make life easier at the track or at your workshop. Our innovative range of bike stands, such as theRR1 Ride-On Lift bike stand, makes getting your bike onto a stand a simple, effortless task. Even the simple task of dispensing fluids is made easier by ourEZ Utility Jugs that make pouring a breeze without those annoying spills!
    Risk Racings mud axe posing on a dirt bike 112 seat
      • Bike maintenance. Take a look at ourMud Axe, which solves the problem of getting mud off your bike, and ourFork Seal Doctor that will sort out fork seal leaks quickly and easily, even at the track!
      Risk Racing Ventilate poster featuring close up of racer wearing blue and orange jersey pants and gloves

        • Rider gear. We offer gear for the rider that is designed to make life easier and safer when you are riding. A prime example of this is ourRipper, which is our revolutionary automated system for the roll-off goggle, that will provide you with a clean, clear field of view for your goggles at the press of a button! We also offerRisk Racing jerseys, pants, gloves, palm protectors, goggles, as well as grips and grip donuts for your bike!

        As you can see, at Risk Racing, we are serious about providing quality, innovative gear to the motocross industry and also for the casual rider! Our products don't stop there either; we have gear such as motocross starting gates, lighting solutions for your workshop or at the track, as well as Risk Racing apparel for casual wear.

        Our wide range of products that bring innovation and problem solving to the sport and our dedication to providing quality products that are engineered for performance and durability are some of the reasons why we believe that Risk Racing is the best dirt bike gear brand!

        num 500 Risk Racing Pro rider coming through a track turn

        What Gear Do Pro Motocross Riders Wear?

        The gear that pro motocross riders wear and use is not always an indicator of a quality product. Sure, pro riders are not going to use any gear that will be detrimental to their riding and set them at a disadvantage to other riders, but also, they are paid to wear and use certain gear.

        Sponsorship is a big deal in the dirt bike riding industry, and many teams would not be able to compete without the funding that is generated by sponsors. It is often the funds from sponsors that have enabled the rider to go pro in the first place.

        Many pro riders are contractually obligated to wear and use gear that the sponsor provides, whether the gear is a quality product or not.

        This is not to say that sponsored gear is sub-standard, but it is also not an indicator that it is the best product on the market either! Suffice it to say that some of the gear you see pro riders wearing is because they were told to wear it by their sponsors, and it is not necessarily their gear of choice.

        Pro riders are seen by many sponsor companies as fast-moving billboards and simply use them to get their name seen in the industry and to attract the attention of other riders who are inspired by the pros. The perception is if the pros are using it, then it must be good! 

        While this can be the case, it is not always the case, so if you find a product that does the job better than one that the pros are promoting, stick to the one that works for you!

        164 motocross racer turning hard into a burm corner wearing full risk racing mx gear including jersey pants and gloves


        Dirt bike gear is a market sector that is very competitive, and there are great brands with great products, but it is sometimes a hit-and-miss affair to find good-quality gear that has the rider and the sport in mind.

        Our dedication to upping the game and bringing high-quality, reliable, and innovative products to riders and the sport is one of the reasons that make our products stand out from the crowd.

        This is why we can say with passion and full confidence that if you are looking for a dirt bike gear brand that you can trust to have your interests as a rider at heart, then look no further than Risk Racing!

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